Argentina Bowles Registered Architect

We couldn’t be more excited to introduce our newest registered architect at Marmon Mok! Join us in congratulating Argentina Bowles for passing her ARE exam and becoming an official architect! Job well done.

Argentina started as an intern with Marmon Mok while in college, and quickly accepted a full time position after graduation. Since then, Argentina has been a key contributor on various high-profile projects, including the Stassney Campus for TxDOT. She has expanded her realm of expertise working on various project types such as workplace, non-profit, healthcare, municipal, and adaptive reuse.

Emily Rivera Earns ACHA Board Certification

Congratulations goes out to Emily Rivera, who recently added the American College of Healthcare Architects Board Certification to her resume.

ACHA provides board certification to architects who specialize in health care within the United States and in countries where NCARB reciprocal licensure can be obtained. The certification process is rigorous and overseen by an independent testing agency, in order to establish a professionally sound, legally defensible standard by which people can identify themselves as healthcare architects.

Take a look at her recent thought leadership article on The Value of Full-Scale Mockups during the design process.

James Maldonado Becomes Registered Architect

Congratulations to James Maldonado on passing the ARE and becoming an official architect at Marmon Mok.

James has worked in all phases, from design through construction administration and project closeout. His attention to detail as well as his broad knowledge of building assemblies, allows James the ability to successfully navigate a project and ensure the end result is a beautiful space that is both adaptive and timeless.