The Roy Cisneros Elementary School is an onsite campus replacement for the old Cenizo Park Elementary. The original campus built in 1953 experienced numerous additions and provided many challenges for replacement.
The school does not truly have a back side; it was designed to respectfully address the neighborhood on all sides. The exterior design utilizes various geometric shapes and colors recognizable and appropriate for young children, including triangular canopies, square and rectangular windows, triangular downspouts, and primary color accents at the edges of windows and doors. The colorful “cube” reading area in the library is reminiscent of hole-and-peg learning toys that teach children about shape, size and color. The building is oriented with the long axis east to west, exposing the classrooms and major areas to desirable northern and southern light. Cupolas above the gymnasium and cafeteria allow for additional natural light penetration.
Campus Replacement
Small Site
Classroom Space
Cafeteria and Kitchen
Administrative Suite
Parking Lot Expansion
Secure Playgrounds